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  发表日期:2011年3月30日  共浏览4886 次      作者:E-C  【编辑录入:giltworld
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E-C Logo

中国北京,2011 年 3 月 30 日 – 北京创思智汇有限责任公司 (E-C Translation Ltd.) 是一家技术实力雄厚的语言服务提供商,以向尊贵的客户提供高质量本地化解决方案为己任。该公司日前宣布启动品牌重塑,并正式更名为北京创思立信科技有限公司 (EC Innovations, Inc.)。品牌重塑第一阶段的相关工作包括启用新的名称及公司标志。第二阶段则将包括网站改版及新产品发布。

新推出的革命性产品—— Translation Business Management System ? (TBMS) 更是为公司的品牌重塑添上浓墨重彩的一笔。该产品是一款由本地化工作者设计、为本地化工作者量身打造的用户友好型本地化项目、流程及业务管理套件。

在其 14 年的光辉历史中,创思立信已经为众多客户提供了最高质量的语言和技术解决方案。在提高全球市场影响力的同时,公司将一如既往地注重这些解决方案服务的质量,维护其作为以客户为中心的企业的良好声誉。


创思立信是一家提供全面服务的本地化解决方案提供商,自 1997 以来一直致力于搭建不同语言之间的沟通桥梁,目前已在三个大洲、八个办事处拥有 200 余名全职员工。2010 年,公司本地化的字数逾 6000 万,帮助客户从真正的 Global Communication Supply Chain ? 中获得最大收益并实现投资回报。公司的客户中不乏世界上最大的一些企业和机构,其中包括众多全球财富 500 强公司。


Re-branding and New Logo Announcement

E-C Translation Ltd. is now EC Innovations, Inc.  (www.ecinnovations.com)


30 March 2011, Beijing, China - E-C Translation Ltd., the Beijing-based, technology-driven language services provider with a mission to provide high-quality localization solutions to its valued clients, is pleased to announce today the re-branding of its business to EC Innovations. In Phase One, the re-branding includes the new name as well as a new company logo.  Phase Two will include a new website and a new product launch.


“Our old name reflected our roots as one of the most trusted names in translation services, while the new name and image are a reflection of our completeness of offering not just as a trusted translation partner, but as a full-fledged localization solutions provider,” said James Wei, CEO and president of EC Innovations.


That new reality is reinforced by the product launch of their new, revolutionary Translation Business Management System ™ (TBMS), a user-friendly localization project-, process- and business-management suite designed by localizers, for localizers.


For the past 14 years, EC Innovations has provided its customers with the highest quality of language and technology solutions. It will continue to focus on these solution offerings as it increases its presence worldwide while maintaining its reputation for being a customer-centric organization.  


About EC Innovations

Empowering communications since 1997, EC Innovations is a full-service localization solutions company employing over two hundred full-time staff in eight offices on three continents. In 2010, the company localized over 60 million words, leading its clients to realize the full benefits and ROI of a true Global Communication Supply Chain . Their client list boasts some of the largest organizations in the world, including many Fortune Global 500 companies.


For More Information, contact: marcom@ecinnovations.com

上一篇:展地集团签约SDL Trados 领跑语言服务业



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